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Halal Assurance Management System (HAS)

Stated in MS1500 : 2009 in clause 3.1 Management Responsibility
3.1.1 The management shall appoint Muslim halal executive officer or establish a committee which consist of Muslim personnel who are responsible to ensure the effectiveness in implementation on internal halal control system.
3.13 The management shall ensure that sufficient resources (i.e. manpower, facility, financial and infrastructure) are provided in order to implement the halal control system.

These two requirements under clause 3.1 Management Responsibility stressed on the implementation of halal control system. Halal control system is one of the cores for Malaysia Halal Certification. The absence of halal control system may results in products or services becoming non-halal and failure in the system results in withdrawal or revoke of the Malaysia Halal Certificate from the premise.
Halal 302: Workshop on Internet Halal Control System is a 2 days training program which aim to give a structured guideline for participants in understanding the principle of Halal Control System and basic steps in producing the halal control system manual. Internet Halal Control System is also known as Halalan Toyyiban Assurance Pipeline or Halal Assurance System.

This program will enable participants to:
·         Understand halal control system principles
·         Identify method for identifying critical raw material/material
·         Identify significant halal hazards using reliable tools
·         Understand the concept of IHCS monitoring system
·         Be exposed to verification activities namely internal halal verification

The training content:
·         Criteria of halal product and services
·         Halal hazards along the halal supply chain
·         Halal Assurance Management System and Principles
·         Establishing Halal Assurance Management System (HAS)

·         Halal Industry Players: Internal Halal Audit Committee from product manufacturing, food premise, hotel, transportation, warehouse and retails.

2 days (7 hours per day)

Training Outline

Day 1
Module and Activities
8.30 am
9.00 am
Introduction to Training Course

What is halal control system?

Principles of Halal Control System
10.30 am
Morning Tea Break
10.45 am
Establishing Internal Halal Control System Manual

·         Company profile, halal policy, objective and scope

·         Establish Internal Halal Committee

·         Group Discussion for Halal Policy, Objective and Scope
1.00 pm
Lunch Break and Dzuhur Prayer
2.00 pm
·         Establish Halal Certification Requirements

·         Establish Products Description/Product Specification

·         Group Activity: Produce Product Description/Product Specification
3.30 pm
Afternoon Tea Break
3.45 pm
·         Develop and verify Product or Service Process Flow

·         Group Activity: Develop Process Flow
5.00 pm
End of Day 1

Day 2
Module and Activities
9.00 am
Revision Session
9.30 am
Continue on Establishing Internal Halal Control System Manual

·         Identification of Halal Hazards
o   Halalan Toyyiban Risk Analysis
10.30 am
Morning Tea Break

·         Group activities on Halalan Toyyiban Risk Analysis

·         Determination of Control Measures
1.00 pm
Lunch Break and Dzuhur Prayer
2.00 pm
·         Determination of Halal Critical Point

·         Determination of Monitoring System

·         Determination of Corrective Action
3.30 pm
Afternoon Tea Break
3.45 pm
·         Determination of Verification Procedures

·         Documentation System and Management of Records

End of Day 2